Friday, October 9, 2009

The Swan Has Landed

Today's Lesson: "It doesn't matter how long it takes to accomplish something as long as it's completed prior to the deadline."

I seem to have learned this lesson well, because I just finished a project I began over two years ago, yet I still completed it five weeks before the deadline!

The project was Mystery Stole #3 which was later revealed to be themed after Swan Lake. It's an asymetrical stole where the first half appears 'normal' (aka human) and the last half becomes feathered into a swan's wing. There was an option to add beads to the pattern, which I enjoyed so much I added even more than were called for. This picture is from when it was being blocked this morning.

This was my first major lace project and when I cast on, I thought it would be for me. However, once my niece announced her wedding, I knew I was now making it for her. I just hope she has a happier ending than Odette.

1 comment:

  1. It's beautiful, Jelayne! I remember when you started this project. You rock!
