Starting the month off we have a bunch of these in our garden. They were evidently confused by the unusually warm autumn we were having. I don't remove plants that volunteer to grow, so these are everywhere in our garden. Considering that we haven't done anything with our garden for months, it's just nice to say that something is growing!

By Veterans' Day, we were off to Mexico. The weather was lovely though the natives thought it was too cold. This is the cathedral in Morelia which is always a lovely site to see.

The main reason for this particular visit was our niece's wedding. The kids sure clean up nice, eh?

The bride, of course, was beautiful (as always) and one of the calmest people in the entire group.

Mr. A made quite an impression on all the senoritas. Evidently, when you dress him up in a tux with 'grown up' shoes, he suddenly learns how to tap dance. Despite the language barrier, he was in the middle of the dance floor the entire night rocking out. Some sort of cute cross between Michael Flatley and Michael Jackson.

Here's all the cousins (except Mr. A) in one place which rarely happens. Strange group, but they're family, so what can you do. Gotta love 'em.

We came back home just in time for Thanksgiving. Warm house, lots of food, loving family. What are we most thankful for? Pumpkin Pecan Cheesecake with Maple Cream, of course.

On Black Friday, we avoided the malls and headed out to the Homestead to make new friends.
We met big, busy, tough friends . . .

and we met small, sleepy, soft friends.

We learned how to twist string into rope . . .

and we learned how to weave string into cloth.

We even learned where the string comes from.

And as the sun began to set, we hurried for home.
All in all a lovely month. There was lots of yarning going on as well, but you'll have to check me out on
Ravelry to see all that.
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