Here's our youngest reading the 100th (last) lesson of his reading book. He is very excited to be at the end of it! He's never had much of a desire to read, but it's sure sneaking up on him now. He's reading cereal boxes, screen shots on his Nintendo DS, even my emails over my shoulder (which I'm torn over - when his sister does the same thing, I go ballistic, but I don't want to put a damper on his reading - big dilema)!
With all the celebrating today, we thought it'd be nice to bring out the first book that our oldest read. Of course she had to pick a book from the library that was out of print, so getting a copy became a ginormous feat! She taught herself to read when she was five years old, so our son is technically the first child I've had to instruct.
In the same memory box was a book from my childhood, so I read that to them as well. Oh, for the love of books, it was an awesome night!
Now if only I could locate the book that my father read to me so often I had the entire thing memorized (I was two or three at the time.) Unfortunately, I don't remember the title, but it was about a ghost and a mouse and all the foods they ate - everything cheese. Cheese crackers, cheese souffle, cheese bread, cheese cake, cheese this and cheese that. It went on forever and I loved it to pieces. If only I could ever find it again . . .
Now if only I could locate the book that my father read to me so often I had the entire thing memorized (I was two or three at the time.) Unfortunately, I don't remember the title, but it was about a ghost and a mouse and all the foods they ate - everything cheese. Cheese crackers, cheese souffle, cheese bread, cheese cake, cheese this and cheese that. It went on forever and I loved it to pieces. If only I could ever find it again . . .
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