Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And then there were four . . .

We must announce a dreadful occurrence which happened today. When making our rounds checking the homestead today, we noticed one of our Delaware hens under the coop dead. Not sure what happened to her really.

I've been on a two-month vacation (more about that in future posts!), and all I had noticed when I returned last week was that she was the only one that had not grown a comb. She was noticably larger than when I left and about the same size as our other four hens. Then yesterday (or the day before, I'm not sure) when I was walking by their pen, I noticed that she seemed to be vomiting (if chickens can do that) a clear liquid - waterish, but snottier. She seemed to get over it well enough and I didn't think anything of it until we found her body.

I'm sorry, Diana/Artemis (we're not sure which was which ever since our two Delawares molted). We were blessed to enjoy your company as long as we did.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, that stinks! I'm sorry to hear about your poor little hen! It's been a hard summer for chickens it seems. I hope all the rest are healthy and well! By the way... WELCOME HOME!
