In preparation for my upcoming juice feast, we bought a case of organic apples for 89 cents a pound! For ORGANIC produce! And no, that's not a typo. That's not just organic, that's orgasmic!
Today, I spent most of my "free time" (whatever that is) making a beef stew and a fresh boule. While that was cooking, my son was willing to try the juices we were making if he got to operate the juicer. Fine by me! Both of the kids were excited to see and taste my hot pink juice with neon green foam. They've been interested a lot in different foods lately, so I'm trying to maximize their exposure to different things. Extending their life six days at a time!
This mushroom was a reminder from Gaia for me to relax. I realize how nutzo that sounds, but I don't care. I had been wanting to change some of our eating habits for a while, but I was getting discouraged by the high cost of good, healthy food. Like most families, we're on a tight budget, so I do everything I can to shop frugally. I don't like eating out of a box, but cost and convenience was determining a lot of our recent food purchases. I was having a very difficult time accepting that we couldn't afford to eat well. "Yes, I realize I'm slowly poisoning myself and my children, but . . ." Why? What reason is good enough to finish that statement? I just couldn't do it.
So, I went to bed trying to think of ways I could get good, healthy food cheaper. The very next morning, another lovely Gaia-goddess I know stopped by with a couple bags of free organic produce (including the maitake). Talk about attracting what you need! Then later that same afternoon, I found the apples at a store I usually don't shop at because it's too expensive. Go figure.
Thanks for the guidance, Gaia. Message received.
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