It seemed very serendipidous that I should receive my new copy of Elizabeth Zimmermann's Knitter's Almanac at the very end of October. This little gem reads like a novel or diary at times with monthly patterns thrown in. Very entertaining for knitters and non-knitters alike. Everyone wishes their grandmothers were like Elizabeth.

So of course this means I was reading along on November 1st when I got the idea to work through the projects! Not wanting to wait until January to start (especially since I need to deplete my stash by October next year), I'm bucking convention and starting in November!

I realize it doesn't look like anything now, but Elizabeth promises me that it will shortly become a Moccasin Sock. The interesting thing about this pattern is that it's worked from the leg, down across the instep and then curves around the toes to the sole which is worked from the outside perimeter to the center in a spiral. Very strange, but the benefit is that as the sole, heel, or toe wears out beyond the point of darning, the sole is replaceable! Simply rip back to the offending part and re-knit a new foot! Cool, huh? I just hope I can follow the directions.

And just to sneak in another FO - here's another scarf I whipped up while on the go. All these big sweater and shawl projects aren't travel friendly, so I've resorted to popping gloves and scarves into my purse for portable knitting.